Tata has introduced the new XZ variant as a part of the Nexon lineup. The new variant sits between the XT and XZ+ variants and at Rs 7.99 lakh for petrol and Rs 8.99 lakh for diesel, costs Rs 82,000 over the XT variant. For the extra cost you get the 6.5inch touch screen infotainment system withAndroid Auto, rear parking camera with sensors and dynamic guidelines, day/night IRVM, four tweeters and fabric inserts on the door pads. You also get projector headlamps, height-adjustable driver’s seat and body-coloured ORVMs. LED DRLs and a two-tone roof though are skipped.
The prices for the Nexon overall start from Rs 5.85 lakh for petrol variants, the diesel ones start from Rs 6.85 lakh. It is Tata's first crack at the sub-4-metre SUV space and willtake on the likes of the Maruti Suzuki Vitara Brezza, Ford EcoSport, Mahindra TUV300 and the Mahindra NuvoSport.
Engine options on the Tata Nexon include a 1.2-litre turbocharged petrol engine, tuned to produce 110PS/170Nm; and a new 1.5-litre diesel with an output of 110PS/260Nm. Both the engines come with a 6-speed manual gearbox. A 6-speed AMT transmission variant of the Nexon was showcased at the 2018 Auto Expo and wil be launched this year. The AMT transmission will be paired to the diesel engine only.
The Nexon measures 3995mm in length, 1811mm in width and is 1607mm high. Ground clearance is around 200mm. Exterior details include projector headlamps with LED daytime running lamps, 16-inch alloy wheels, dual-tone colour schemes and LED tail-lamps. On the inside, Tata has packed the Nexon with a lot of goodies that includes a touchscreen infotainment system, automatic climate control, steering-mounted audio/call controls as well as a front armrest.